Will I Ever Be Enough?

Will I ever be enough?


For years, you desperately want to hear 'I see you'. 'I hear you'. 'I validate you'. 'You're important to me.' 'You're the best thing that's ever happened to me'


You want to feel important,  acknowledged and accepted, just as you!


You work tirelessly to prove yourself, to prove your loyalty, your dedication, your value!


All you want is to be good enough! 


But they've always got something to say. There's always a reason why you haven't made the mark. Always something that pops up. 


They make you self doubt, over think,  over work and feel awful about yourself.


As a result you feel resentful, angry and full of rage and at times may even completely lose it with them.


Then you feel guilty for feeling resentful, and angry, so you self blame which then leads you to either over apologise or think of ways to prove you're not a bad person. 


Then they try to depict you as a mad person by gaslightning you and in certain situations they spread gossip about you to harm your self image. 


This is DETRIMENTAL if it's due to the relationship between you and your mother. The maternal wound is deep!


Because you end up finding yourself searching far and wide desperate for a place where you feel you can belong in. A place you can call home. Whether that's in a man's heart, for your line manager or mother in law to like you, clients to be pleased with you, etc. 


You exert all efforts to make it work, even if it's toxic because of the maternal wound. Eventually you become emotionally co-dependent, you depend on external people, places or things to make you feel good about yourself (i.e., a people pleaser/fixer). And no matter how much you do or say; 


You just NEVER feel enough! 


Something deep in your heart feels empty. It's a space that is desperate for attention, validation and acceptance. All the people you're focused on to give it to you, just don't due to the co-dependency attracting people who lack what you eagerly seek.  


But the IMPORTANT thing to know is that YOU ARE ENOUGH! Even if you're reading this and feeling weird, YOU ARE ENOUGH! There is nothing more you need to do or say to be enough. 


Look deep within you and acknowledge yourself. Acknowledge what you've already said and done throughout all your life, just to yourself. And feel grateful for all the opportunities you've been given to do and to say.


Then, forgive. Forgive your flaws. Forgive your shortcomings. Let it go. It's about time you let it go and give your soul permission to finally breathe. Lastly, reassure yourself consistently that you are enough. You are amazing. You are wonderful. And that you're going to be okay. You're going to be more than okay because Allah is with you. He always was. He always is. And He always will. 


I promise that the more you do this. The more you practice this. The more you channel your thoughts in this way, the easier it will be to heal and for your life to change for the better in sha Allah!


Let me know below if this resonated with you!


Also remember that you don't have to suffer alone or in silence, I offer a 12 week coaching programme personally designed to meet your healing needs in sha Allah. 

If interested, contact me and let's get to work!